BBMS  consists of the following modules:
Registration entering basic data on the probant (human, animal, plant, fungus, bacteria and virus). Donation details on the collection of biological material and its labeling. Orders records of biobank and laboratory orders. Sort preparation of a worklist for a sorter based on a list of 2D codes. Projects a list of projects in the form of a tree with orders attached to them. Sub-bases editing and viewing your own tables. Biobanks records of biological material. Laboratories laboratory test orders. Reagents records of releases and acceptances of reagents. Stock warehouse management. Monitoring database of measurement results of environmental conditions. Pedigrees genealogical trees of probants and editing their genetic characteristics. Organizer employee's schedule of tasks. Catalog a list of everything that is delivered to the biobank and laboratory. Dictionaries code base, e.g .: ICD-10, AJCC. Resources equipment and apparatus included in the equipment, including, inter alia, failure records. Schemes definitions of types and stages of research. Processes programming of robots and apparatuses. Delivery event handler. Alerts schedule of commands and messages. Structure of the subbases defining your own database (including surveys). Entitlements management of system user rights. Courses and training records of authorizations to perform tasks. Vaccinations protection of laboratory and biobank employees. Reports - defined lists and summaries from the system base and subbases. Forms - defined printouts of surveys and forms. Tabels - full documentation of the database structure.